Science Comunication Through Poetry

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Biggest Fraud in science communication publishing

Recently, while searching some content on the net, I came to know about a book ‘Handbook of science communication’ written by Mr. Vijay Kumar Singh and published by ADB Publishers. The author blurb on the book cover says that the author has an M.A. in Journalism and an M.Sc. in Science Communication from the Imperial College, London. I was intrigued by reading the blurb to buy a personal copy. The book is available on many websites including,, etc. I ordered a copy from for INR 1135. Two days back, I received the copy. The book contains twelve chapters and comprises of 304 pages. After just glancingly going through the pages, I smelled something fishy in it. The chapter headings and the contents of some chapters were known to me previously.

Then, I searched the “chapter headings in double quotes” one-by-one in and found that all the twelve chapters were taken (STOLEN) from other sources available on the internet. The author gives no reference or credit to none of the original authors/sources. All the 12 chapters have been lifted ‘ditto’ – a simple case of copy-paste!

The STOLEN texts included are from known names in science communication like David Dickson (, Manoj Patairiya (NCSTC, India), Robert A. Logan (University of Missouri) and Marzia Mazzonetto.  

Straight way, it is a severe case of copyright violation and plagiarism, where entire chapters/papers have been lifted without any acknowledgement to the original sources.

The book contains a three-page bibliography, but interestingly, none of the original texts lifted “ditto” is given there.

I myself feel cheated to find the content of others (that I have already read) in this book under the authorship of this fellow.

What do you think about this fraud in science communication? Do communicate your views.

About the book

Title: ‘Handbook of science communication’  
Author:  Vijay Kumar Singh
Edition: 2011

Publisher: ADB Publishers,
Regd. Office: Bony Residency, Gate No.2,
Opp. Tilak Public School, Vishveshria Nagar,
Gopalpura Road, Jaipur – 302018 (Rajasthan) India
Ph. 0141-2761280, Telefax: 0141-2761381

ISBN-13: 9788183763493
ISBN-10: 8183763499
Language: English
Binding: Hardcover

About the Author (blurb on the cover says)
Vijay Kumar Singh did M.A in Journalism and then did M.Sc in Science Communication from Imperial College, London. He taught students of journalism and communication for nearly ten years. However, during his tenure as Lecturer, he continued his field activities in journalism. Presently, he is Editor at Prachya Prabha.

Under his able guidance many students made excellent contributions to journalism and brought many hidden news stories to the limelight. His contributions in the field of active journalism and mass communication were well received and awarded amply.


1.                 Communication as Integral Part of Technology

Original text by DR. MANOJ  PATAIRIYA available at:

3.                Science communication in India: current situation, history and future developments

4.                Science Mass Communication
Original text by ROBERT A. LOGAN, University of Missouri–Columbia available at:

5.                Metaphor in Scientific Communication
Original text by ROBERT ANUSKA ŠSTAMBUK available at:

6.                Civil journalism &  scientific citizenship
Original text by Wolfgang C. Goede, Munich / Germany available at:

7.                 The case for a 'deficit model' of science communication
Book pages 155-160: Original text by David Dickson available at:
            Journalists and Journalism Education Must Grasp the Democratic Science Opportunity
            Book pages 160-168: Original text available at:

        why does institutional learning about new technologies seem so difficult?

            Book pages 168-onward: Original text available at:

8.               Instruments and Potential of Effective Communication
9.                The Essence of Science Communication

10.           Science in Society: Re-evaluating the Deficit Model of Public Attitudes
Original text by Patrick Sturgis and Nick Allum available at:

11.             How scientists view their public communication
Original text available at:

12.            Communicating through images